The next steps for etnaviv

I did spend some time to find the cause for the rendering issues during running some egls2 demos. The fix is a simple one-liner and I would say that GC8xx and GC2000 are ‘equal’ now. That means general work on etnaviv can start now. Currently I am looking in different problem zones and where to start. Update mesa fork Start working on an improved compiler Start working on an kernel interface I think that Rob will start soon on the kernel interface and the mesa update should be doable during some hours....

February 22, 2014 · 1 min · Christian Gmeiner

Mesa meets GC2000

Here is the first result of running mesatest_gles on mesa&etna: Following tests are showing good visual results compared to swrast: Hello_Triangle/CH02_HelloTriangle Simple_VertexShader/CH08_SimpleVertexShader CubeVBO/cube_vbo ParticleSystem/CH13_ParticleSystem Viewports/viewports All other are visual corrupted or segfault. So there is still some work done to get all demos up and running.

February 15, 2014 · 1 min · Christian Gmeiner

GC2000 support for etnaviv

Today I hit an important milestone for etnaviv – an open source user-space driver for the Vivante GCxxx series of embedded GPUs. I finally got GC2000 support to a level that it seems to work. It took me some months to get there. At the beginning it sounds easy to rebuild a ‘driver’ if you get readable command buffer dumps. I did start with working on a simple replay program to render a cube in the same was as the binary blob does it....

February 9, 2014 · 2 min · Christian Gmeiner